About me

I'm vishal patidar from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India. I am currently pursuing my Btech degree in Computer Engineering from Vellore institute of Technology, Bhopal. I'm a Tech fanatic, passionate about Technologies and Community Building. I strongly believe in the community and its power. Currently, I'm learning Web Development and its frameworks and exploring DevOps.
Bachelors of Engineering (Undergrad) - Vellore institute of Technology,Bhopal
Currently enrolled.
Secondory-Higher-School - Rabindrnath Tagore Higher Secondary school, Ujjain
Did my 11th and 12th in Science+Maths
Primary-School - Cambridge Higher Secondary school
Did my schooling here! till 10th
Contributing to LetsGrowMore community which is a community for the newly joined student in engineering to grow and teach them like (DSA,Open Source and Team Project).
HackathonHack CBS 4.0
3rd runner up in hack CBS 4.0.
Volunteer Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Cell,Vit Bhopal University
the vision of transformational change in rural development processes by leveraging knowledge institutions to help build the architecture of an Inclusive India.
Design Core Member Insight Club
Contributing to Insight Club which is a community for the people by the people.The prime focus of the community is learning.
GSSOC'21 Core Team Member - GirlScript Foundation
Designed Social media posters, badges and certificates.
Recent Work

Sahyog helps people donate money to support poor villagers to access clean waterusing payment gateway integration byRazor pay.•To donate money to NGOs, people can contribute through Sahyog. The donated money will be directed towards helping the NGO's cause.
- Created - July-September 2021
- Technologies used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Material UI, Next JS, Node JS
- View Online - click here

as a student you have to enter the email address and registration number to get your results and if you are a teacher(Admin) then login with appropriate credentials i.e official admin email address(admin@gmail.com) and password(1234) and fill up the individual student's mark details and it will automatically stored into the database.
- Created - August 202
- Technologies used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript,PHP
- Role - Frontend
- View Online - Click here
Contact me
+91 7020384569
Follow me